CAIRO- Egypt will not have sufficient swine flu vaccines for its 80 million population. Health Ministry spokesman Abd-El Rahman Shaheen informs that 5 million doses will be distributed in the upcoming six months. In October's second half health professionals will deliver 80,000 vaccines, by January 1.2 million, and the rest by March. This amount will only cover six percent of Egypt's population which is not enough for all pregnant women, children and students. Shaheen asks WHO for a "fair distribution" to successfully vaccine those at high risk, Egyptian Muslims who plan pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia, and health workers.
Egypt has the highest number of deaths from the bird flu. Officials goal is to also prevent the development of a new virus due to new possible combinations. WHO will commence swine vaccine distribution in November to an estimate of 90 countries, including Egypt.
Source: http://www.rep-am.com/articles/2009/09/29/news/438645.prt
(Reliability: 8)
Comment: There are 87 confirmed cases by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories of avian influenza (H5N1) from which 27 have been fatal.