25 November 2009
Swine Flue Fears for Hajj PILGRIMS
23 November 2009
Egypt Reports 10th Swine Flu Death

CAIRO: Egypt's tenth death was reported on November 22 caused by the swine flu. The victim was a 48-year-old woman who was hospitalized Saturday night, and died the next day. Ministry officials report the woman was suffering from a high fever, asthma, and diabetes. However, the death was caused by the the worsening of these symptoms and condition by the swine flu.
16 November 2009
Egypt: Seventh Death Reported

DUBAI- Egypt's seventh fatality caused by the swine flu was reported. The victim was a 37- year old woman. Newspaper reported she was in the hospital on November 11th due to pneumonia and died to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
11 November 2009
Egypt: Student's Struggle for Education

As the Ministry of Health continues to close private and public schools all throughout Egypt due to the augmentation in the number of swine flu cases, thousands of parents' concerns for their children's education increase. Parents look for alternates for education, but fail to find a solution. Private lessons are expensive and private schools are being forced to close also. Parents worry that their children might not even be able to take their end-of-semester exams on January as planned.
09 November 2009
Cairo University Satellite Imagery

Image Description
The photographs of Cairo University of Egypt provided were extracted from satellite imagery by Google Earth. The primary image (attached) is at an eye altitude of 785 meters, the secondary at 467 meters, and the third at 253 meters. The primary image exhibits the main highways that surround the university. The main university building has a half spherical structure above the building. The building sits on a large tract of rectangular land in which several smaller complexes surround it with a major concentration in the west side. There is a large rectangular visible area and a circular area north and east from the main building respectively where vegetation is visible. There is also a three-dimensional building east from the university.
Intelligence Usefulness
Image is useful for strategic and operational intelligence. For strategic planning, the images may be somewhat unstable. The trees north and east from the main university building could be cut off and other buildings may be constructed in those areas. However the rest of the buildings, highways and roads are stable. Further construction of main buildings and roads to facilitate access to the university will be fairly visible through this type of imagery.
Operationally, when attacking the university aerially, the university is vulnerable, and thousands of students, faculty and staff will undoubtedly be at risk. However, ground approach can only be made through various checkpoint areas. Parking lot is readily scattered and a short distance from the main building and the rest of the university buildings. However, parking permits are advised to better monitor the area (if applicable). Damage to those buildings through an explosion can be predicted. Biological or chemical agent attacks would be possible as well.
An image is limited to provide all information due to the limited view it provides, and therefore has a little tactical value. These images only provide an external top view of a particular area of the earth's surface. We can see buildings, their surroundings, vegetation, main roads, bodies of water, etc. In addition, we can see the size of the building as well as few entrances, but we are not able to see security nor precisely nor functions and activities taking place in the university. All possible threats that can occur externally or internally can not be predicted through these images. Therefore, other sources will be required to know more about these unobservable actions.
Cairo University is an institute of higher education; it includes law school, and medical school. This school is one of the most important and biggest university in Egypt where a disaster would result as a disastrous tragedy. Currently, it is one of the most active universities in combating the swine flu. The large area the university covers that is observed in the images, demonstrates potential capacity of the large number of students and faculty. Students are in constant contact with each other and papers and books are frequently passed from individual to individual, which puts them a higher risk in acquiring the swine flu. However, this internal threat cannot be observed nor predicted through satellite imagery. Cairo University is vulnerable to internal and external threats.
08 November 2009
Israel Transfers 5,000 H1N1 Vaccinations to Gaza

03 November 2009
Egypt Reports 6th Death Caused by Swine Flu

01 November 2009
Swine Flu Increases Private Tuition in Egypt

Private lessons are not allowed by Egyptian law, but Egyptian parents are still sending their children to private teaching centres to decrease the probability of becoming diseased from attending the high density classes. The costs have escalated to LE16 billion (US $3 billion), and may continue was the nunber swine flu cases progress.
Source: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20091031122041912
(Reliability: 8)