CAIRO: Egypt's Health Ministry reported on December 14th three more deaths from the swine flu, rising total number of deaths for Egypt to 59. Officials dread winter months will make people more vulnerable thus increasing the number of swine flu cases and deaths.
The first death case reported was a man who was 47 years old from Beheira, Egypt. This man additionally suffered from dyspnea and cirrhosis.
The second case includes a 48-year-old woman from Beni Suef; she also suffered from dyspnea, but pneumonia as well.The third case was a pregnant 27-year-old woman from Minya. No previous health problems nor complications were reported.
The Undersecretary of Ministry of Health for Preventative Affaris, Amr Kandil, argues the virus was not mutated, and the increase in cases does not indicate mutation alteration. Awad Mahgour, Director of Communicable Diseases at the World Health Organization, disagrees and suggests the virus has been mutated but is in a "restricted context."
WHO research fails to prove the anti-viral drug Tamiflu prevents problems from the swine flu. However, they still recommend the use of Tamiflu to those who are already infected but not to those that are healthy.
(Reliability: 9)
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