CAIRO- Trash piles in the streets of Cairo have been augmenting and civilians’ concerns as well. The Egyptian government decided to slaughter all pigs residing in the country last month to combat H1N1 virus, even though the World Health Organization opposed this decision. The “zabaleen” would collect the organic waste, which was fed to their pigs. Having no more pigs is resulting in a more crowded, noisy, and smellier Cairo where more diseases are likely to develop.
Dana Moussa created an event on Facebook called “Clean up Giza” in which 350 members joined to collect trash from neighborhoods. Giza is the huge section of greater Cairo extending out to the pyramids.
Dana Moussa created an event on Facebook called “Clean up Giza” in which 350 members joined to collect trash from neighborhoods. Giza is the huge section of greater Cairo extending out to the pyramids.
(Reliability: 8)
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