CAIRO- More than three million university students finally start school after a week's delay, and Minister of Higher Education, Hani Hilal, states they are prepared to confront swine flu in case of an outbreak. The ministry will take measures depending on the severity of the spread, including shutting down universities.
Cairo University divided students among classes, and included renovating maintenance requirements of libraries, labs, and lecture rooms as a precaution. Sayed Genena, head of Cairo University dorms, informed that 5% to 20% of the dorms will be used to isolate suspects.Therefore, inspection visits are regular throughout most campuses. Ain Shames University president, Ahmed Zaki Badr, declares the university will broadcast lectures through satellites. Additional precautions include restricting attendance of external students, whom are permitted to attend only on Fridays and forced to study at home. Performance in students' first year will determine allowance as regular full-time students.
World Health Organization (WHO) implies that the suspension of classes could be the most effecting way in prevent the spread of H1N1, however, it does not implement definite guidance to whether schools should close or continue.
(Reliability: 9)
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